We had to pick up some killer shades at the truck stop on our way out to the Outer Banks... OBX
All Four grand kids with Grandma and Grandpa.
ElvisAnn with her cousin Collin, he is a big boy and reminded me what we are in for in just a few short months! Hopefully she will be as happy as Collin.
Scott took ElvisAnn down the slide, but she didn't want to do it again.
Pretty flowers back east.
The condo we stayed in.
I love the way N.C. paints their beach houses, just like the caribbean!
Scott let out all 500 ft of his $5 kite. I thought it was a goner, but it survived the crazy obx wind! (look for the black dot in the sky)
Cousin Isabelle helped ElvisAnn fly the kite .
Scott, flying his kite or is the kite flying him?
That's one tall lighthouse
Thank you Wright bros! (This is where the first motor plane took flight)
Home of the best frozen custard and aviation.
On the way to Virgina we found the home of the legendary "Gravedigger". Totally Awesome!
We visited historic colonial Williamsburg, VA
I felt right at home in the Powhatan Indian village in Jamestown.
Scott was grinding corn for cornbread to go with our supper.
Checking out the three ships that the settlers used to sail across the pond. (it took 4 months, and no they are not the actual ships silly, only replicas)
Where is the water?
Tobacco anyone?
Inside re-created Jamestown settlement
We had to get a famous stuffed snow cone before we left Williamsburg and headed out to Fredericksburg. (Which by the way is said to be the most haunted towns in the USA)
We got to eat Puerto Rico Food for the first time since our honeymoon. In Virginia? It wasn't quite the same, but pretty dang close. Christy and Kent both approved.
Of course we had to go swimming at Aunt Christy's house! ElvisAnn is a water lover
ElvisAnn, Grandpa, and Cousin Ian
We finished off the trip with an ice cream cone. What a great ending to a great trip! Hopefully we will be able to see the family soon!
Those are amazing pics Emma! Looks like you gals (and guy) had a lot of fun on your trip. I love the summer photos too! I haven't been to Olvera street since high school...
Favorite Pic- ElvisAnn in the bonnet. I love it! Only you would do that! So fun to see you yesterday!
I love that picture where the kids are looking up at the lighthouse. The East Coast looks beautiful!
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