Sunday, December 21, 2008

Photoshoot- Do work

Well Scott and I love adventuring behind our neighborhood. Here is one of those moments when ElvisAnn has fallen asleep and Scott and I start goofing off with the camera.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the blog! The pictures are great. Keep posting! Merry Christmas to you too!

Robin said...

Yeah EmmaJane! I'm so excited. Now we're blogging buds (in addition to bff's)! Sorry I didn't call back on Sat. night but it looks like you had fun! Thanks for the invite, I was Christmas shopping! I'm excited to see you tomorrow night! Luvs

Brandon and Erin said...

hey you. Found you through Robin's blog! You guys look so great. Let's get together and let the kids play! We live closer to you now!

Ryan said...

Hey Traci, Sierra and I went hiking down that trail on Sundaya few weeks back, we'll have to go together...