The Wedge. First big swell of the summer. Steve is in this picture. He's so brave.
This was not planned. My friend Robin brought over her kiddies to play and all 3 girls had on the same swimming suit. We tried so hard to get them all to smile, but it was impossible. oh well, still cute.
Our new favorite spot by our house. Scott was so excited to take Casey to the pool for him to skate.
We drove to the top of Saddleback Mt.
Potty training fun.
Took a trip to Langer's in LA to see what all the talk was about and.....
Yes its true, they have the best pastrami in the world! I almost forgot to take a picture of it. This was the last bite of the yummiest lunch... well worth the $15.
This is what DaviJewell thought of China town in LA
We just happen to come across the famous Angels Flight while in LA. ElvisAnn was so excited to go on it she was jumping up and down and laughing. She even put her hands up.
What's wrong with this picture?